Global Terrorism Research Project

Title Author Media type Issue date Full Text
Zawahiri Demands Shariah in Egypt, Remarks on Razing of Bin Laden House Ayman al-Zawahiri Audio June 17, 2012 Open
Zawahiri Urges Egyptians, Syrians and Tunisians to Demand Shariah Ayman al-Zawahiri Audio Oct. 11, 2013 Open
Al-Qaeda Ideologue Remarks on Revolutions, Incites Against the West Al-Qaeda in Iraq Text Feb. 24, 2011 Open
Shaykh Atiyallah: "Greetings to Our People in Libya" Atiyatallah Audio March 18, 2011 Open
Zawahiri Lectures on Recent Egyptian History, Revolutionary Success Ayman al-Zawahiri Audio Jan. 25, 2014 Open
Zawahiri Speaks on 12th Anniversary of 9/11, Calls for Attack on U.S. Ayman al-Zawahiri Audio Sept. 12, 2013 Open
Adam Gadahn Speaks on Arab Spring in Third Episode of Series Azzam al-Amriki Video Oct. 10, 2012 Open
The Dried Dates Idol of Democracy Ayman al-Zawahiri Video Aug. 2, 2013 Open
ISIL Spokesman Calls to Fight Egyptian Army, Asks Brotherhood to Repent Abu Muhammad al-'Adnani al-Shami Audio Aug. 31, 2013 Open
Zawahiri Calls for Continuing Egyptian Revolution, Questions Morsi Ayman al-Zawahiri Video Oct. 24, 2012 Open
Unity in the Issue of Tawhid (Monotheism) Ayman al-Zawahiri Video April 6, 2013 Open
Adam Gadahn Declares it “Essential” to Fight America in Speech on Egypt Azzam al-Amriki Audio May 2, 2014 Open
Zawahiri Urges Revolution in Pakistan, Support for Jihad Ayman al-Zawahiri Video March 16, 2014 Open
Zawahiri Lauds Success of Afghan Taliban, Speaks on Jerusalem Ayman al-Zawahiri Audio July 19, 2010 Open
The Ummah of Sacrifice and Martyrdom in the Face of Agency and Despotism (Part 4) Azzam al-Amriki Video April 30, 2012 Open
Al-Zawahiri Answers Questions by Al-Qa'ida Critics, Criticizes Al-Qaradawi, HAMAS Ayman al-Zawahiri Text April 2, 2008 Open
Zawahiri Calls to Act Against US and its Allies, Pledges to Free Detainees Ayman al-Zawahiri Video July 31, 2013 Open
Zawahiri Says Morsi Ouster Part of Division Plot, Chastises Brotherhood Ayman al-Zawahiri Video Aug. 2, 2013 Open
Al-Qaeda Security Expert Calls to Revolt Against Egypt's Military Council Abu Obeida Abdullah Adam Text Jan. 27, 2012 Open
The 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the Occupation State of Israel Ayman al-Zawahiri Video June 5, 2013 Open
Gadahn Concludes Five Episode Series on Arab Spring, Calls to Bear Arms Al-Sahab Media Video April 30, 2012 Open
ISIL Spokesman Calls to Fight Egyptian Army, Asks Brotherhood to Repent Abu Muhammad al-'Adnani al-Shami Audio Aug. 31, 2013 Open
Website Posts Abu-Yahya al-Libi's Research on Human Shields in Jihad Abu-Yahya al-Libi Text April 10, 2008 Open
As-Sahab Video Focuses on Current State of Conflict (Part Two) Al-Sahab Media Video Sept. 28, 2012 Open
Address of Dr. Ayman Al Zawahiri to the People of Pakistan on the American Attack on Pakistan Army in Mohmand Ayman al-Zawahiri Text Feb. 1, 2012 Open